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The Construction Newspaper celebrates 25 years of publishing the first edition

08:53 | 25/03/2023

(Construction) - On March 24, the Construction Newspaper organized a meeting with generations of officials, reporters, collaborators, readers on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the publication of the first issue (March 24, 1998 – March 24, 2023).

The Construction Newspaper celebrates 25 years of publishing the first edition
The Construction Newspaper celebrates 25 years of publishing the first edition

Speaking at the meeting, Editor-in-Chief of the Construction Newspaper Nguyen Anh Dung shared 6 important tasks for the next generation can continue to operate the newspaper stably and sustainably in all aspects.

Speaking at the event, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Party Personnel Committee, Minister of Construction Nguyen Thanh Nghi affirmed: the Construction Newspaper has fulfilled its role as the main media system of the Ministry of Construction and the voice of the Party Committee, workers and employees of the Construction industry.

The Construction Newspaper celebrates 25 years of publishing the first edition
Minister of Construction Nguyen Thanh Nghi speaking at the event

The Construction Newspaper has played an important role in the development of the Construction industry. During that development, the Newspaper has actively innovated, closely followed the reality to inform and propagate the guidelines of the Party and the State's policies related to civil servants and public employees, workers in the industry.

The Construction Newspaper has made rapid development in both quality and types of journalism. Besides printing newspapers, e-newspapers have expanded their communication on social networking platforms. Along with that, the team of the Construction Newspaper workers have been well-trained, have political courage, professional ethics and professionalism. In the coming time, the Minister hopes that the Construction Newspaper continuing to promote the tradition and the achieved results, strive to become a quality and reliable press agency.

Mr. Le Quoc Minh, member of the Party Central Committee (PCC), Editor-in-Chief of Nhan Dan (People) Newspaper, Chairman of the Vietnam Journalists’ Association highly appreciated the role of the Construction Newspaper in the propaganda of central policies in the field of construction. He affirmed that the current situation facing many challenges in accessing information, which requires the Construction Newspaper to produce contents that meets the new needs of society, especially the digital transferred contents.

The Construction Newspaper celebrates 25 years of publishing the first edition
Editor-in-Chief of the Construction Newspaper Nguyen Anh Dung sharing 6 important tasks for the next generation

Minister of Construction Nguyen Thanh Nghi, authorized by the Prime Minister, awarded the Prime Minister's certificate of merit to the party cell of the Construction Newspaper for outstanding achievements in practice and following Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style.

At the meeting, Minister of Construction Nguyen Thanh Nghi, authorized by the Prime Minister, awarded the Prime Minister's certificate of merit to the party cell of the Construction Newspaper for outstanding achievements in practice and following Ho Chi Minh's thought, morality and style. On this occasion, the Minister of Construction also awarded the title of Emulation Soldier of the Construction industry to 4 individuals and the Certificate of Merit from the Minister of Construction to 10 individuals at the Construction Newspaper.

By Khanh Phuong


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