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Rebar construction industry group actively promotes skills enhancement for foreign workers

15:58 | 26/01/2024

(Construction) - Zentekkin, a group of rebar construction companies in Japan is actively supporting the skill development of specified skilled foreign workers during their employment.

Leveraging the training system of Japan Association for Construction Human Resources, JAC, Zentekkin is assisting foreign talent in obtaining qualifications for Rebar Construction Levels 1 and 2. The number of foreign skilled workers, particularly in urban areas, is on the rise, making skill improvement a crucial focus as they become an increasingly vital workforce.

Rebar construction industry group actively promotes skills enhancement for foreign workers
Rebar construction industry group actively promotes skills enhancement for foreign workers

The group commenced skill qualification training sessions for foreign workers in the fiscal year 2021. In the training session for the fiscal year 2023, Level 2 qualification-related courses were conducted from the 8th to the 13th of January, with 11 participants. Level 1 courses are scheduled from the 15th to the 20th, including two participants who are non-union members participating for the first time.

Yajima Takao, President of one of the member companies serves as the chief instructor, conducting theoretical (4 days) and practical (2 days) training at the company's headquarters and Tokyo factory. Amid a shortage of skilled workers across industries, Mr. Yajima notes the increasing demand for foreign talent, estimating that 20-30% of rebar construction workers in the Tokyo area are now foreign skilled workers. He anticipates that this percentage may rise to 50% in urban areas in the coming years.

Ms. Vijayanthi, a Sri Lankan woman who participated in the Level 2 training for the fiscal year 2023, envisions a career path of becoming an architect, expressing a desire to upgrade her skills and continue working in Japan. To promote employment opportunities for foreign skilled workers, Zentekkin utilized JAC's support program, conducting explanatory sessions on rebar construction professions in Vietnam (300 participants), Indonesia (190 participants), and Uzbekistan (220 participants) last year. The association aims to actively continue promotional activities targeting young individuals abroad who are interested in Japan's construction professions. (2024/01/15)

The Daily Engineering and Construction News of Japan


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