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Nam Dinh to become the central urban area of the Southern Red River Delta

15:59 | 13/03/2024

(Construction) - The Ministry of Construction organized a conference on March 12 to gather feedbacks on the Urban Classification Project for Nam Dinh City, which is expected to expand its administrative boundaries, and the Report on the assessment of the infrastructure development level for the planned establishment of wards in Nam Dinh City.

Nam Dinh to become the central urban area of the Southern Red River Delta
Overview of the conference

During the conference, council members agreed to proceed with the Urban Classification Project for Nam Dinh City, as well as to support the restructuring of administrative units in Nam Dinh Province, including the merger of My Loc District into Nam Dinh City. However, they emphasized the need for Nam Dinh Province to concentrate on investing in and synchronizing urban development. This will ensure that by 2026 - 2030, Nam Dinh City can achieve the grade I urban area. The focus should also extend to developing plans for national security and defense, maintaining the infrastructure standards required for the grade I urban area, and promoting the development of urban greenery in suburban areas undergoing urban infrastructure development.

Concluding the conference, Deputy Minister Nguyen Tuong Van emphasized the significance of the Nam Dinh urban area and the necessity to expand Nam Dinh City. He evaluated the organization's efforts in reviewing and classifying the Nam Dinh urban area during the period, noting its suitability for the arrangement of administrative units within the province. This aims to streamline the administrative apparatus and create conditions for its stronger development in the future.

Additionally, Deputy Minister Nguyen Tuong Van requested the People's Committee of Nam Dinh City and Nam Dinh Province to fully consider the council's feedbacks. They should focus on reviewing and ensuring the accuracy of information and data in the project report, as well as clarifying the expected arrangement of administrative units in the expanded Nam Dinh City. Furthermore, they should continue to promote propaganda efforts to ensure the successful implementation of the project.

The Deputy Minister also urged the local authorities to clarify the motivations and potential for developing the expanded Nam Dinh urban area. They should review urban planning and prioritize investments in urban infrastructure for Nam Dinh City. This includes ensuring the prompt resolution of deficiencies in meeting standards and enhancing the quality of existing infrastructure to meet the criteria for grade II urban areas. The goal is to elevate the city to meet the standards for a grade I urban area by 2030. Additionally, there should be a focus on ensuring security and national defense measures within the urban development plans.

By Khanh Phuong


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