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Ministry of Construction meets press on Lunar New Year 2023

09:21 | 04/01/2023

(Construction) - On December 30, Deputy Minister of Construction Nguyen Van Sinh chaired a press conference and press meeting for Lunar New Year 2023 with the participation of a large number of reporters and editors of Central and Hanoi press agencies.

Speaking at the meeting, Deputy Minister Nguyen Van Sinh emphasized: In order to achieve the results set by the government and the industry, besides the efforts of the whole construction industry, the Ministry of Construction highly appreciated the cooperation and support of press and media agencies in propaganda and orientation, contributing to helping the public to understand information and create a consensus among society for the positive results that the construction industry has achieved.

Ministry of Construction meets press on Lunar New Year 2023
Overview of the meeting

The press and media has promptly reflected the socio-economic situation of the country, the fields of operation of the construction industry so that the Ministry has a basis to reflect and complete the policies and laws, and propose to the competent authorities and at the same time better perform state management within the scope of assigned functions and tasks.

On the occasion of the coming Lunar New Year 2023, on behalf of the leaders of the Ministry of Construction, Deputy Minister Nguyen Van Sinh sent his best wishes to journalists, reporters of news agencies and press and hoped them share difficulties and continue to accompany and stand side by side with the construction industry in 2023 and the coming years.

By Khanh Phuong


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