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Ministry of Construction establishes Special Working Group for emterprises and people affected by Covid-19

15:59 | 12/10/2021

(Construction) - Minister of Construction Nguyen Thanh Nghi is the Head of Special Working Group on removing difficulties for emterprises and people affected by the Covid-19 epidemic.

Ministry of Construction establishes Special Working Group for emterprises and people affected by Covid-19
Minister Nguyen Thanh Nghi

The Special Working Group is responsible to guide the effective implementation of tasks and solutions according to the Resolutions of the National Assembly, the Government, the direction of the Prime Minister; actively and closely coordinate with the other Ministries, branches, localities and relevant agencies in information exchange and solution recommendations for removing occurred difficulties and problems; support enterprises and people affected by the Covid-19 epidemic in governmental management of the Ministry of Construction.

At the same time, the Group is responsible to guide and go along with enterprises in organizing production and business activities to increase the proactiveness, autonomy and responsibility of enterprises and people; to review and cut unnecessary administrative procedures, not create "sub-licenses" that affecting the production and business activities of enterprises and people's lives and so on.

Periodically, monthly or when necessary, the Group should summarize the difficulties and problems of enterprises and people according to the competence of the Ministry of Construction, and propose plans to solve occurred problems beyond its competence authority (if any), report it to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision.

By Khanh Phuong


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