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Ministries, branches and localities to focus on implementing investment projects to build 1 million social housing apartments

09:11 | 22/05/2023

(Construction) - On May 19, in Hanoi, the Ministry of Construction held a conference to implement the Investment Project to build at least 1 million social housing apartments for low-income people, public industrial parks (IZs) in the period of 2021 - 2030". Minister of Construction Nguyen Thanh Nghi chaired the conference.

Ministries, branches and localities to focus on implementing investment projects to build 1 million social housing apartments
Overview of the Conference

The conference was held in the form of direct and online, with the participation of representatives of leaders of relevant ministries, departments, branches, local Departments of Construction, enterprises participating in investment and construction of social housing …

Minister Nguyen Thanh Nghi suggested: The presentations at the Conference should direct straight to the point, properly assess the existing situation of the results that have been implemented in the past time, the shortcomings, limitations, and specify the remaining causes. and propose practical and effective solutions, solutions to mobilize all resources from society to join with the support of the state to promote the development of social housing in order to achieve the goals of the Project. In particular, it should be focused on the issues related to institutions, policies, procedures for land investment - construction, reform of administrative procedures...

Also at the Conference, Deputy Minister Nguyen Van Sinh informed some of the main contents of the Project. Accordingly, right after the Project was approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 338/QD-TTg dated April 3, 2023, the ministries and branches based on the assigned tasks, focused to implement the Project

At the Conference, representatives of ministries, branches and localities reported on the implementation of the Project and solutions in terms of mechanisms and policies as well as proposed solutions to remove inadequacies and problems during the implementation of social housing projects

In order to overcome the above shortcomings and continue to promote the development of social housing for workers in the coming time, the Ministry of Construction proposed the ministries and branches to soon implement the tasks approved by the Prime Minister and assigned by the Government and requested the People's Committees of the provinces and central cities to coordinate and implement the tasks and solutions.

By Khanh Phuong


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