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Japanese Consulting Firm Nippon Koei opens office dedicated to reconstruction support in Ukraine

08:55 | 17/04/2023

(Construction) - Japanese construction consulting firm Nippon Koei established on April 1st the Ukraine Reconstruction Support Office within the Consulting Business Management Division.

The office will clarify the point of contact with external parties as reconstruction efforts in Ukraine, which was severely damaged by Russia's invasion, are in full swing. At the same time, the office will consolidate information related to reconstruction in the region, as well as information held by each internal survey team and department, and assume the role of a central command post for the response. The establishment of the new support office will lead to increased coordination among the relevant internal teams and the development of response activities tailored to local needs.

Japanese Consulting Firm Nippon Koei opens office dedicated to reconstruction support in Ukraine
Illustration photo (internet)

The office will play a coordinating role with domestic and international customers, donors, and partners, including government officials involved in Ukraine's reconstruction and private companies that are interested in supporting reconstruction, and will take the lead in gathering information on safety and other issues, sharing information with related internal departments, and promoting cooperation.

The Nippon Koei Group has received orders from the Japan International Cooperation Agency for three projects related to reconstruction assistance in the country, and has begun work in neighboring countries and at its headquarters. Under the Project for Emergency Recovery and Reconstruction, which will be implemented by the firm and others for a period of about two years starting in March, JICA will provide assistance in formulating plans to lay the foundation for full restoration and reconstruction of destroyed urban infrastructure. Survey teams are being sent to neighboring Poland and Moldova.

The project covers all of Ukraine, including six major target cities such as Odesa and Mykolaiv. In cooperation with relevant organizations in the country, plans will be developed in several sectors, including resources and energy, transport and traffic, urban and regional development, water supply and sanitation, information and communication, and debris disposal. (2023/04/04)

The Daily Engineering and Construction News of Japan


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