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Japanese construction company Kajima, Tokyo Tech Institute, University of the Philippines launch coral project

19:30 | 13/06/2023

(Construction) - Japanese construction company Kajima Corporation, Tokyo Institute of Technology, and the University of the Philippines Visayas have jointly launched a project in the Philippines called InCORE, which aims to conserve and restore coral reefs.

The project combines Tokyo Tech's environmental assessment of coral reefs using numerical simulation technology, Kajima's coral regeneration technology, and University of the Philippines’ knowledge of the local ecosystem. An integrated method will be proposed and implemented to conduct environmental assessment of coral reefs, and implement regeneration and verification of effectiveness through monitoring.

Japanese construction company Kajima, Tokyo Tech Institute, University of the Philippines launch coral project
Japanese construction company Kajima, Tokyo Tech Institute, University of the Philippines launch coral conservation, restoration Project

The project was selected by the Asian Development Bank as a recipient of an international call for proposals for coral conservation and restoration. The project will last one and a half years. It will be implemented in the coastal area of Tangalan, Aklan Province on Panay Island. The pilot project based on a coral reef restoration and conservation system will be implemented and its effectiveness will be verified. Ecological environmental surveys will be conducted in cooperation with local governments and research institutions, and numerical coastal environment simulation technology will be used.

Based on the results, a coral rehabilitation method and implementation site suitable for the environmental conditions of the target sea area will be selected, and the coral nets will be installed at the site. After the installation of the coral nets, continuous monitoring will be undertaken with local stakeholders, and numerical simulation will be conducted to quantitatively clarify the relationship between the source of environmental impacts on coral regeneration. Measures to improve the environmental quality of the water will be studied along with their effectiveness. Kajima's Coral Net has 20 years of experience and expertise in conducting demonstration tests in Okinawa waters, and the three parties will use the results of the project to apply and deploy InCORE in coastal areas in various countries. (2023/06/02)

The Daily Engineering and Construction News of Japan


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