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JAC to launch Multilingual Safety and Health Education for foreign construction workers

18:25 | 21/05/2024

(Construction) - The Japan Association for Construction Human Resources (JAC) will begin providing safety and health education based on the Industrial Safety and Health Act in the native languages of specific skilled foreign workers starting in July.

Initially, this initiative will cover three languages—Vietnamese, English (the official language of the Philippines), and Indonesian—and will include special training on scaffolding and full harnesses, as well as orientation for new employees. By the end of the fiscal year, the program aims to expand to five languages and ten courses. This initiative also targets technical interns employed by companies accepting specific skilled foreign workers.

JAC to launch Multilingual Safety and Health Education for foreign construction workers
Illustration photo (internet)

The courses will be offered online and free of charge. An inquiry desk will be established by June, and the recruitment of participants will commence. By the end of the fiscal year, the program will include five languages, adding Chinese and Cambodian, and will offer ten courses, including supervisor and safety officer education, circular saw training, slinging, roller operations, small construction vehicle operations, mobile crane operations, and free grinding wheels. The program will consider expanding its language offerings and course content based on the needs of the participating companies. (2024/05/17)

The Daily Engineering and Construction News of Japan


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