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GDP of construction industry in 2023 estimates to reach 7.3 - 7.5%

14:27 | 23/12/2023

(Construction) - On December 22, the Ministry of Construction organized a conference to summarize the works in 2023 and deploy the tasks in 2024 of the Construction industry. Minister Nguyen Thanh Nghi, Deputy Ministers: Nguyen Van Sinh, Bui Hong Minh, Nguyen Tuong Van chaired the Conference.

The conference was held in direct at the headquarter of the Ministry of Construction, combined online form connecting with local Departments of Construction.

GDP of construction industry in 2023 estimates to reach 7.3 - 7.5%
Overview of the conference

According to a report from the Ministry of Construction, in 2023, after the Government issued Resolution No. 01/NQ-CP, the Ministry of Construction issued an Action Program to implement with 11 groups of main tasks and solutions and 83 specific tasks.

Among the 12 plan targets set out by the Ministry of Construction in the Action Program, the Ministry has completed and exceeded 5/5 targets assigned by the Government. Of which, the total domestic product (GDP) of the Construction industry in 2023 estimated to reach 7.3 - 7.5%. The national urbanization rate calculated by urban area reached 53.9%.

The proportion of urban residents supplied with clean water through the centralized water supply system was about 96%. The average housing area in the country was 26 square meters per person. The rate of results of processing administrative documents and procedures fully synchronized on the National Public Service Portal reached 100%.

Another important content completed by the Ministry of Construction in 2023 that was to strengthen reform, reduce and simplify administrative procedures and business regulations associated with promoting decentralization and empowering to local and regional governments, monitor and improve the construction licensing index.

To 2024, the Ministry of Construction will aim to achieve a growth rate of about 6.5 - 7%; The national urbanization rate will estimate at 43.7%; The proportion of urban residents provided with clean water through the centralized water supply system will be over 97%; The average housing area of nationwide will be over 26.5 square meters per person.

Regarding to housing development management and real estate market, the Ministry of Construction has been organized the effective implementation of Resolution No. 33/NQ-CP dated March 11, 2023 of the Government on a number of solutions to remove and promote the real estate market safely, healthily, and sustainably; National housing development strategy and investment project has been built at least 1 million social housing apartments for low-income people and industrial park workers during 2021-2030.

Some other key tasks of the Ministry of Construction in 2024 include: Continuing to implement the Administrative Reform Plan, Digital Transformation and the information technology Plans to the agency's operations in activities of the Ministry; Seriously implement the Plan in reorganizing state-owned enterprises and enterprises with State capital contributed by the Ministry of Construction as the owner representative for the period 2022 - 2025; Complete the Decrees regulating the national database on construction activities and so on.

By Khanh Phuong


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