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Deputy Minister of Construction Nguyen Tuong Van has a meeting with Nghe An province on the expanded Vinh city

19:09 | 23/01/2024

(Construction) - On January 22, Deputy Minister of Construction Nguyen Tuong Van and the interdisciplinary survey team had a working session on the expanded Vinh city urban classification project and development ssessment report of urban infrastructure, areas expected to establish wards, other urban development topics of Nghe An province.

Deputy Minister of Construction Nguyen Tuong Van has a meeting with Nghe An province on the expanded Vinh city
Overview of the meeting

Speaking at the meeting, Deputy Minister of Construction Nguyen Tuong Van requested Nghe An province to implement the important contents very carefully. About the expanded contents, related to the three administrative units at district, the town and city level, a comprehensive review should be fully considered and reviewed the conditions, political basis, legal regulations, procedures, and submit them to all relevant levels.

Regarding the preparation of documents to ensure completeness, the Deputy Minister of Construction suggested that it is necessary to write more carefully and assertively about development needs and the expansion of development spaces. Changing urban functions will help in the socio-economic development not only of Vinh city but also impact the entire region.

Evaluating the specific contents, the Deputy Minister of Construction requested a careful review and verification of the assessment data on technical infrastructure criteria, population data, urban construction land, trees, lighting, water supply, drainage, and waste management. This is to ensure correct standards and evaluation criteria, guaranteeing accuracy, reasonableness, and the correct representation of figures and data. Additionally, it is necessary to study the assessment plan for the 7 wards of Cua Lo town that will be merged into Vinh city.

Mr. Thai Thanh Quy, Secretary of the Nghe An Provincial Party Committee, stated that the province has been highly focused and has directed intense efforts towards this matter. In the immediate future, the expansion of Vinh city will proceed according to the plan that the province is submitting, which is divided into two phases: from now until 2030 and after 2030. Throughout this process, the province will provide advice to ministries and branches for submission to the Government to adjust Vinh city's master plan. Simultaneously, the province has also prepared plans to report to competent authorities and the National Assembly Standing Committee.

Mr. Thai Thanh Quy expressed his hope that ministries, branches, and working groups would support the current viewpoints, plans, and methods to assist Nghe An province in achieving its goal of expanding Vinh into a sea-facing city, in line with the objectives of the Resolution proposed by the Politburo.

By Khanh Phuong


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