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Deputy Minister Nguyen Van Sinh and Construction Trade Union visites and offers gifts to its employees

09:57 | 27/12/2022

(Construction) - On December 26, the delegation led by Mr. Nguyen Van Sinh, Deputy Minister of Construction, and Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thuy Le - Chairwoman of Vietnam Construction Union visited and offered gifts to members and employees of Viglacera Thanh Tri Sanitary Joint Stock Company.

Deputy Minister of Construction Nguyen Van Sinh acknowledged and praised the efforts of the leadership team of the Viglacera Thanh Tri Sanitary Joint Stock Company and its Trade Union. He encouraged employees to accompany the business overcoming the difficult and challenging period. The Deputy and leader of the Vietnam Construction Trade Union sent Tet wishes for peace and health and offered gifts to employees of the Company.

Deputy Minister Nguyen Van Sinh and Construction Trade Union visites and offers gifts to its employees
Deputy Minister Nguyen Van Sinh and Chairwoman of Vietnam Construction Trade Union offer gifts to employees

For many years, on the occasion of Lunar New Year, the Vietnam Construction Trade Union and its affiliates have organized many activities to take care of the material and spiritual life of its employees. In 2022, the production and business situation of those units in the industry are still facing many difficulties due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic in previous years and high prices due to the influence of gasoline prices, affecting to living standards, income of union members and employees.

To share with the difficulties of trade union members during the Lunar New Year of New Year 2023, the Vietnam Construction Trade Union deducted from the Trade Union budget to visit and offer gifts to 6,000 members with difficult situations. Each gift was worth VND 1 million. In addition, the Union directed its units in the industry to promote the organization of practical and meaningful activities, especially activities to take care of union members and employees during the Lunar New Year so that all employees could have a warm and happy Tet.

By Khanh Phuong


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