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Implementation strengthening of Program 567 and Project 452

13:16 | 07/11/2020

(Construction) - This was the main contents mentioned at the National Conference on reviewing 10 years of implementation of the program on developing unburnt building materials held by the Ministry of Construction on November 6, in Hanoi.

Implementation strengthening of Program 567 and Project 452
Deputy Minister Nguyen Van Sinh at the Conference.

At the event, Deputy Minister Nguyen Van Sinh commented that after 10 years of implementing Program 567 and nearly 4 years of implementing Project 452, we have achieved many remarkable results. But in reality, there are still many limitations that need to be overcome.

The Deputy Minister suggested: Enterprises should focus on improving the quality of unburnt building materials and limiting risks in using unburnt building materials.

The Ministry of Construction will continue to review product standards and construction regulations as well as improve technical guidance and technical assistance during development for unburnt building materials.

By Khanh Phuong


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