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Suggestion for building wind zoning data, earthquake for construction

23:44 | 29/11/2020

(Construction) - On November 27, in Hanoi, the Department of Science, Technology and Environment (Ministry of Construction) organized a consultation workshop for draft QCVN 02: 2020/BXD.

Suggestion for building wind zoning data, earthquake for construction
Overview of the event

At the event, Deputy Minister of Construction Le Quang Hung emphasized that data on wind and earthquake should be accurate, although sometimes general. Therefore, it is necessary that experts in many aspects should contribute their opinions to find out the most accurate data in parameters to include the Draft.

Experts suggested insightful opinions to the Draft. At the same time, they valued and appreciated the efforts of the research team in the process of reviewing and updating QCVN 02: 2009 / BXD.

The implementation team strictly absorbed the comments of experts for adding, editing contents related to wind and earthquake zoning in draft QCVN 02: 2020/BXD before submitting.

By Khanh Phuong


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